UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School


Recommendation Status
Your recommendation has not yet been submitted. If you have completed your recommendation and would like to submit it now, click here to scroll to the bottom of the submission page and then click the "Submit" button.
ApplicantMohan Kumar
Applying toUNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
RecommenderRohan Kumar

Applicant Information

Applicant Name: Mohan Kumar

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) allows you to access your educational records if you enroll at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School. You may waive your right of access to this specific report if you so choose. Your decision to waive or not to waive your right of access will have no bearing on the handling of your application; however, once you submit this information it cannot be changed. Most applicants choose to waive their right to access.

[ X ] I waive my right to access this report.
[   ] I do not waive my right to access this report.

Signed by: Mohan Kumar

I confirm that I did not write any portion of this recommendation.

Signed by: Mohan Kumar


Recommender Instructions

We are committed to developing outstanding leaders who can inspire trust and confidence in others. We value honesty, integrity, respect for others, and accountability for personal behavior. Your brief but candid assessment of the applicant will assist us in our evaluation. We thank you for your time and effort.

Technical note:: Certain browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer) may cause this form to render improperly on screen. If you are having technical issues, we suggest using Chrome or Firefox as your browser. If you experience technical difficulties and need assistance, please contact us at (Email Address).

Reference Information
Thank you for agreeing to submit a letter of recommendation for the applicant.
Recommendation Letter
Please upload additional comments about the applicant. Be sure to include comments about their character and abilities and any experiences that you feel are relevant to the applicant's potential fit within our college community.


In place of your signature, please type your full legal name:

Please note that you may not edit your recommendation after submission.
Do you want to submit your recommendation now? Click the "Submit" button below.